As you may have seen already - team A has done incredibly beautiful cards. Congratulations!
Since I am neither Canadian nor American, even I'm not Englishwoman, to be in harmony with all of you, I decided to use something that is universal. So I do not care about differences in uniforms, etc. I used the image Robot, which I hope you can accept for our theme.
Ние сме във втората седмица на IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES #76 - Военна почит.
Както може би сте видели вече - картичките на тим А са невероятно красиви. Поздравления!
Тъй като аз не съм нито канадка, нито американка, дори англичанка не съм, за да бъда в тон с всички вас, реших да използвам нещо, което да бъде универсално. Така си спестявам грижите по различията в униформи и т.н.
За тази картичка използвах водни бои - това е и моя първи опит с водните бои.
I used watercolors - this is my first experience with water paints in cards.
In honor of... |
Size 15sm/21sm. (5.9' / 8.3')
Тук използвах моливи с ефект на водни бои. Фонът е една моя снимка - Небесна жарава.
Here I used pencils effect of watercolor. The background is a picture - Heavenly glow.
Lest we forget |
Size 21sm./15sm./ ( 8.3'/5.9 ')
The poppies have a different meaning / symbolism in my country.
My husband was very surprised when he saw on TV Andy Murray to wear poppy on the lapel of his jacket.
I explained to him what the poppy symbolizes in Western Europe and America.
In this card I added bells to ring and remind -
Lest we forget
Angel 4 Front+Back $3

Craft Your Passion - Always Anything Goes
613 Avenue Create - #190 Anything Goes w/Optional Twist: Anything Goes
Crafty Friends Challenge - #44 For Someone Special
Lil Patch of Crafty Friends - Always Anything Goes
Crafty Boots - Things with Wings
This may be useful:
Two stunning cards, they have a strangely haunting quality. Thank you for playing along with Crafty Boots ‘Things with Wings’ Challenge.
This is perfection! Thanks so much for sharing with us in the Crafty Friends "For Someone Special" challenge!
Leslie, Crafty Friends DT
Love To Scrap!
Two superb cards Borqna. I love your watercolouring and the fabulous use of your photographs as backgrounds :-D
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you very much for making these for me at IWC.
IKE xx
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Love both of your cards,awesome design and coloring... Thank you for joining us at Craft Your Passion challenge this week
ОтговорИзтриванеZeljka DT xo
Hello…. Thanks for entering your cards into our ‘Someone Special’ challenge. Hope you will join us again.
ОтговорИзтриване[Diane Louise, Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]
Your card has a unique artistic look. Thanks for sharing with 613 Avenue Create v