1. Choose a location.
2. Have your camera ready.
3. Set a timer for 5 minutes (I use my mobile phone).
4. Take as many photos you can until the time is up.
5. Choose 5 photos to download and share by using the link tool below.
- Защо да излизаш навън? Виж, колко е интересно у дома!
Направо ще смаеш твоите интернет-приятели с тези снимки!
Те, такова нещо не са виждали! - каза мъжът ми и аз го послушах.
- Why do you go outside? See how much more interesting is here at home!
You will surprise your Internet friends with these pictures!
They have never seen such a thing! - Said my husband and I agreed with him.
You husband is right! Your preserves look so delicious. My mother-in-law is the preserve maker in our family and each Christmas we look forward to having her box of treasure underneath the Christmas tree.