За моето трето участие като гост-дизайнер аз избрах
#A 62 Be You Believe Yourself ($5.00)
За първи път оцветявам подобна картина и това се оказа много приятно забавление.
Тъй като има доста работа от особена важност е хартията - да има добър отпечатък и за да не се размазва - вижте най-лявата карта. Коментарът на моят съпруг бе - Много шарено! Но това е така, защото е много подробно!
For my third participation as guest designer I chose
#A 62 Be You Believe Yourself ($5.00)
For the first time I paint a similar picture, and it was very enjoyable entertainment.
Since there is a lot of work is essential paper on which was printed image - to have a good mark and to avoid smudge - see the leftmost card.
The comment of my husband was - Very colorful! But this is so because it is very detailed!
Мисля, че моят трети опит се оказа най-сполучлив - правилно подбрани цветове и въздушни пространства:
I think my third experiment proved the most successful - properly selected colors and airspace:
Size: A4 |
, а аз предпочетох тази с надпис - Believe Yourself
Sandy also offers other interesting images for staining. Which ones would you choose - you decide! Master of these paintings is Crafting Vicky. Interestingly, she has chosen
and I chose the one with the inscription - Believe Yourself...
Вярвайте в себе си! И не се страхувайте да бъдете гости-дизайнери - както любезно ни подканя Лиза!
Believe yourself!
And do not be afraid to be guest designers - as Lisa kindly invites us!
Вие имате още време да покажете вашите творби и да участвате тук:
You still have time to show your work and participate here:
You still have time to show your work and participate here:
Borqna, I am so amazed at your work on these images of Sandy's. I shied away from them because they intimidated me. But you'be done a marvelous job on them. I love them all. Thank you for your kind comments. They really uplift my spirits on such a gloomy, rainy day.
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat gorgeous artwork and colouring. Absolutely stunning! I can tell how much time and care has gone into these and I'm in awe of your patience. Fab results! I think you missed that our theme at Less is More this week is "something French", but thanks for sharing anyway and hope to see you with us again soon :)
ОтговорИзтриванеOh, I'm Frenchwoman at heart ...
A delightful card and super vibrant but as Esther says you seem to have missed the theme of our challenge at Less is More this week which is 'something French'. We do like to see an area of 'white' space with no image, design or embellishment. Please check our guidelines at the top of the blog should you play along again. Thanks so much. Sarah LIM Dt
ОтговорИзтриванеOh, no problem -
ИзтриванеPlease just ignore my card.
/ I usually read through 2 rows .. - Joke /
I love your designs. Hope you are well xxx
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you very much, my dear friend!
ИзтриванеYou made my day wonderful.
I think about you every day.
Get well soon!
Thank you for your kind comment. I had to come take a peek and your coloring just is over the moon! Gorgeous colors combinations and such attention to detail. Truly lovely! Hugs, Kathy