Моята снимка
Sofia, Bulgaria; Just a woman in a Man's Man's World... Wife, mother of a 20+year-old boy -a young philosopher. Make cards sometimes and I was a proud DT member of IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.

четвъртък, 10 септември 2015 г.

So if you're asking me I want you to know - IV / update

Do you remember that? -

The big answer for the 
     Айк ни пита каква картичка може да направим за мъж - нещо, което те харесват или просто може да ги развесели. Веднага се сетих за този виц:
     Един мъж се събужда сутринта след пиянска вечер и започва да вика:
     - Помощ! Крокодил!
     - Къде е? Къде е? - пита жената, която лежи да него.
     - О, боже! И говори!
     Ike asks us what card can do for man - something they like or just can cheer them. Immediately I thought of this joke:
    A man wakes up in the morning after a drunken night and began to shout:
    - Help! Crocodile!
    - Where is it? Where is it? - Asks the woman who lies to him.
    - Oh my God! And it 
can speak!

In the mall - crocodile to crocodile
And my atrwork:

/These pictures are made using my GSM. My camera is broken./
Coloring Page Tuesdays
 Congratulations to Elizabeth O. Dulemba -  
she will soon be a student again!
Good luck!
Your Love Keeps Lifting Me - Jackie Wilson

Challenge #6 For the Men
Crafty Friends Challenge Blog -  Challenge 13 - Use a Sentiment

" You smiled, you smiled
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
for you are mine..."
If you have a sister - it's great -
my sister lent me her camera - to do here this picture! The difference can be seen!

Dear Internet friends - Many thanks for your nice comments and support!

22 September 2015

Summertime Sadness / Лятна тъга

          Морето, пясъка, мидите, водораслите, малките бели облачета, които приличат на пеперуди и едно влюбено момиче - всичко това може да видите на тази картичка. И макар, че лятото в България свърши, за тези които сега отиват на Черно море казвам:
 Добро пожаловать в Болгарию!
Скъпа Таня - тази картичка посвещавам на теб! Пожелавам ти хубаво време и приятни емоции!
Sea, sand, mussels, algae, small white clouds that look like butterflies and a girl in love - all this you can see in my card. And though the summer in Bulgaria is over for those who now go to the Black Sea I say
Welcome to Bulgaria!
/ Dear Tanya - I dedicate this card of you! I wish you good weather and pleasant emotions!/

Image: Whoopsi Daisy
Inspirations: Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness 

(You do not have to use a WHOOPSI DAISY image, but if you do, you can enter any style of card or project you like - you don't have to follow the theme.)
Sketch Saturday - sketch - Week #377
Through the Craft Room -TTCRD challenge Sept 8- Sept 14 -Always Anything Goes

петък, 4 септември 2015 г.

47. - Happy Birthday to me

  " So if you're asking me
I want you to know -
I've never been perfect
But neither have you."
My mercy /"was" / on the pillory -
where my "friends" want to see me.
Bary, Puglia - Italy 2015